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Question Paper
Question 1-6
Hotel Information
Example answer

Name of accommodation:

(0) Carlton Hotel
Length of stay: 3 nights
Ages of children: (1) .....
Rooms available: Two en-suites at £270
Price inclusive of: (2) .....
Payment method: credit card
Name: Michael (3) .....
Date of birth: (4) ..... 1968
Address: 273, Stanton Court, London.
Post code: (5)
Telephone: 08773 (6) .....
Questions 7-10
Transport Options
Mode of Transport Cost Arrangements Travel time to town
Taxi Approximately (7) £ .... Pick up from the hotel 10 minutes
Bus £2 per person Walk down Oak Tree (8) .... 15 minutes
Walking ----- Walk through (9) .... (10) ...
  • MAN
    Hi, good afternoon.

    Hi, welcome to the Carlton Hotel. How can I help you?
    We’ve just driven up from London and we’re going to stay here in York for a few days. We’d like to book a couple of rooms.
    Ok, sir. So for how many nights is that?
    We’ll be leaving on Monday morning. So, let me see, that’s…3 nights.
    And you said two rooms. Who are the rooms for?
    ’m here with my wife and two kids. They are 9 and 11. Sorry, 9 and 12. Q1The eldest has just had his birthday. So we’d like one twin room for the kids and another double for my wife and I.
    Ok, well, we’ve got two rooms available, both en-suite.
    Great. How much are they per night?
    Let me see…the twin room is…40 pounds per night, and the double room is…50 pounds per night.
    Ok, that sounds reasonable. So what is the total for 3 nights for both rooms?
    Let me check…that will be a total of 270 pounds.
    And that includes everything?
    Yes, that price includes tax Q2.
    Ok, can I pay by credit card?
    Yes, sure. You’ll need to pay for the first night now, and you can pay for the other nights when you leave. Or you can pay for all the three nights now.
    I think I’ll just pay for everything now as we’ll definitely be here till Monday.
    Ok, that’s fine. I’ll just need to take some details from you to confirm the booking. Can you give me your full name?
    Yes, it’s Michael Fernsby. That’s…F-E-R-N-S-B-Y Q3
    What’s your date of birth please?
    The 15th of October Q4, 1968.
    The 5th of October, 1968?
    No, the 15th.
    Oh, ok, sorry. And can you give me your address?
    Sure. It’s 273, Stanton Court. That’s S-T-A-N-T-O-N. London, WC2D, 5JB. Q5
    WC2D 5JB?
    Yes, that’s right.
    And your telephone number?
    My mobile number is...hold on, just let me check, I can never remember it…here it is…it’s 08773 879456. Q6
    Ok. Those rooms are booked for you then.


    Ok, I know we’re a bit out of town here. Can you give me some information about getting into the centre of town. We’ll probably head in tomorrow.
    Well, you could drive in, but the parking is not great in town. It’s difficult to get a space and is quite expensive if you are staying there all day.
    Yes, we’re thinking of going to look around some of the shops and to look at the wall around the city, so we’ll probably be there most of the day
    In that case you are probably best taking a taxi or the bus.
    How much is a taxi?
    Into town it will be about 12 pounds. Actually, no I’d say it’s around 15 pounds Q7 - fares have increased recently. We can book it here for you and it will pick you up outside. It only takes about 10 minutes.
    Right, I see. What about the bus? How much is that and where does it go from?
    It’s only 2 pounds per person. It’s not far from here. You go out of here, turn right on to Oak Tree Avenue Q8, and it’s about a five minute walk down the road. You can’t miss it. The bus ride is about 15 minutes.
    Oh, ok. Maybe we could do that.
    Or you could walk actually if you like walking. Part of the way you can walk through the nice park Q9 which is fairly popular with visitors to York. It’s about 30 minutes Q10 but it’s quite pleasant.
    Right, well there’s a few options there. We’ll have a think about it. I’ll go and get my wife and kids. They are just waiting in the car.
    Ok, no problem. Thanks for booking with us.
  • Question 1-6
    Hotel Information
    Example answer

    Name of accommodation:

    (0) Carlton Hotel
    Length of stay: 3 nights
    Ages of children: (1) 9 and 12 / nine and twelve
    Rooms available: Two en-suites at £270
    Price inclusive of: (2) tax
    Payment method: credit card
    Name: Michael (3) Fernsby
    Date of birth: (4) 15 (th) October / 15th of October 1968
    Address: 273, Stanton Court, London.
    Post code: (5) WC2D 5JB / wc2d 5jb
    Telephone: 08773 (6) 879456
    Questions 7-10
    Transport Options
    Mode of
    Cost Arrangements Travel
    time to town
    Taxi Approximately
    £ 15 / fifteen
    Pick up
    the hotel
    10 minutes
    Bus £2 per person Walk down
    Oak Tree
    (8) Avenue
    15 minutes
    Walking ----- Walk through
    the (nice) park
    30 minutes

You are going to hear a conversation between a hotel receptionist and a customer who has come to make a booking.