Sometimes dealing with fractions is easier than dealing with decimals, and sometimes vice versa. Here are both methods. When multiplying decimals, count how many total digits or decimal places there are to the right of the decimal point, then put the decimal point that many places to the left once you’ve done the multiplication. So (0.05)(0.5) = 0.025 (2 digits for 0.05 and 1 digit for 0.5, so 3 total digits and therefore 3 places to the left).
(5)(0.005) = 0.025
They equal the same thing, so the answer is 1. When dealing with fractions, just remember that for each decimal place, you add another zero on the bottom. So 0.05 = \(\frac{5}{100}\), because you put two zeroes on the bottom, one for each of the two digits to the right of the decimal point. Or, you could convert the decimals to fractions and then multiply:
\(\left ( \frac{5}{100} \right )\left ( \frac{5}{10} \right )=\frac{25}{1000}\)
(5)\(\left ( \frac{5}{1000} \right )=\frac{25}{1000}\)
Again, you get the same fractions on the top and bottom.
In 2009, the price of each Econolux car increased by 10 percent from the 2008 price. In 2010, they decreased by 5 percent and now cost between $18,000 and $19,800. Which of the following could be the price of a 2008 Econolux car?
Indicate \(\underline{all}\) possible values.
B,C, and D
It’s useful to use PITA in this problem. Note that increasing something by 10 percent is the same as multiplying by 1.10, and decreasing something by 5 percent is the same as multiplying by 0.95. Definitely use your on-screen calculator on a problem such as this.Because you are dealing with a range, it will save you time to work from the top down until you reach a correct answer, then work your way from the bottom up until you reach a correct answer.Each answer in between the smallest correct answer and the largest correct answer must also be correct.
The selling price of a house was decreased by 12 percent to $220,000. What was the original selling price of the house?
Plug in the answers. Subtract 12 percent from each answer choice to find the one that gives you 220,000. Start with choice (C):
$221,200 − .12(221,200) = 194,656
$246,400 − .12(246,400) = 216,832
$250,000 − .12(250,000) = 220,000
A container is 4⁄5 full. After 3 liters of its contents are poured out, the container is 3⁄4 full. How many liters would need to be poured back in to refill the container?
We know that the difference between 4⁄5 and 3⁄4 of the container is 3 liters, so set up the following equation to solve for the volume of the container:
\(\left ( \frac{4}{5}-\frac{3}{4} \right )x=3\)
\(\left ( \frac{4}{5}-\frac{3}{4} \right )x=3\)
\(\left ( \frac{1}{20} \right )x=3\)
x = 60
Since the container is still 3⁄4 full, it has 45 liters in it.Therefore, you’ll need to pour 15 liters back in.
Between the first day of May and last day in June, the price per kilogram of Melange, a seasoning mix, first declined by 20 percent and then increased by 50 percent. During this same period, the price per liter of Blue, a spring water,first increased by 20 percent and then declined by 50 percent. If at the end of June, the prices were the same, then, at the beginning of May, the price per kilogram for Blue was what percent of the price per liter of Melange?
Since the problem doesn’t give you prices, Plug In; since the question involves percents, use 100. If the starting price for Melange was $100, then, after the 20% decrease, the price was $80; increase that by 50%, or 1⁄2, and the ending price was $120. Since the ending prices for Melange and Blue were the same, the ending price for Blue was also $120. Now, work backwards. Declining by 50% is the same as being cut in half; if Blue was $120 after being cut in half, it must have been $240 before the decrease. Since that $240 was the result of a 20% increase, translate the question “240 is 120% of what” to get the equation 240 = \(\frac{120}{100}\) × x; solve for x to get the starting price for Blue, $200. Finally, now that you have both starting prices, translate the question into 20 = \(\frac{x}{100}\) × 100, and solve for x to get your answer, 200.
A group of freshmen, juniors, and seniors are going on a school trip. The number of seniors is 60% of the number of juniors, which is 50% of the number of freshmen. If there are at least 150 students on the trip, then which of the following could be the number of seniors?
Indicate \(\underline{all}\) possible values.
C and E
To solve this question, plug in the answers as the number of seniors to see if the rest of the class adds up to 150. Start with choice (C). If S = 24, then \(\frac{60}{100}\) and J = 40; since 40 = 50% of F, then F = 80; since the sum of the students is 24 + 40 + 80 = 144, which is less than 150, try larger numbers and eliminate choices (A), (B), and (C). For choice (D), if S = 25, then 25 = \(\frac{60}{100}\) J, thus there are 41.67 juniors, which is incorrect since it is impossible to have a fraction of a student. For choice (E), if S = 27, then \(\frac{60}{100}\) J, thus J = 45; since 45 = 50% of F, then F = 90; since 27 + 45 + 90 = 162, which is at least 160, choice (E) is the only correct answer.
What is the tenths digit of the quotient when thirty-five hundredths is divided by four thousandths?
First, translate the English into math.Thirty-five hundredths is 0.35 and four thousandths is 0.004. Now, do the division on your onscreen calculator; the first place after the decimal point is the tenths digit, so the answer is 5.
If .002x + .004y = 4, what is the value of y in terms of x?
Sure, you could use algebra here, but most likely you won’t wind up with an answer that looks anything like choice (D). Instead, try plugging in a value for x. Make x something easy such as 1000, which makes y = 500. Plug x = 1000 into each answer choice, and it turns out that only choice (D) gives you the correct value of 500.
Maria removed 5⁄6 of the cookies from a jar, and then Andrea removed 3⁄8 of the remaining cookies from the same jar. Which of the following could NOT be the number of cookies originally in the jar?
Indicate \(\underline{all}\) possible values.
A,B, and E
Anything that’s a multiple of 30 will work here because of the two denominators of the two fractions in the question.Choices (C), (D), and (E) are all multiples of 30, but the remaining answers are not.You can also treat this as a PITA problem and try each answer. Take 5⁄6 of each of the answer choices, then take 3⁄5 of what’s left. Do you wind up with an integer? If so, eliminate it and keep working until you’ve tried every answer
What is w if 1⁄9(W + 1) =
One easy way to solve this problem is to multiply both sides of the equation by 9, which gives you (w + 1) = \(\frac{9}{729}\), or (w + 1) = \(\frac{9}{729}\). Now subtract 1 from both sides to get -\(\frac{9}{729}\).