The insertion of a fiction into a news bulletin cannot be condoned, but inserting propaganda for a good cause seems less ____.
C.reprehensible , E.insupportable
When aid is given to an autocracy, the donors are prone to rationalize their decision to support non-democratic governments, and thus lay themselves open to the charge of ____.
B.hypocrisy , C.equivocation
Both commentators noted the way that Dylan can submerge himself in tradition while somehow managing to create works of startling ____.
B.singularity , F.originality
Icons would be well-advised to write their own memoirs; there are too many ____ writers out there who forego accuracy to pander to the preconceptions of the market.
D.sycophantic , E.fawning
Svensson’s ____ in his work earned him few friends: his colleagues probably thought that he would be unwilling to overlook their foibles.
C.meticulousness , E.punctiliousness
Their latest theory aims to integrate the seemingly ____ elements of twenty years of research to form a coherent whole.
D.disparate , E.discrete
Although his findings were initially greeted with ____ , the unlikely hero was finally vindicated when the French Academy acknowledged his work.
A.derision , F.incredulity
Far from being an innocent prank, their action is a ____ attempt to spoil my reputation.
A.malicious , F.callous
Even though Byron is frequently glib, it is still hard to dismiss him as a ____ thinker.
A.superficial , C.lightweight
The director, accustomed to unquestioning loyalty, was chagrined when she discovered that her directions had been ____ by the chief executive.
C.undermined , F.subverted