Until he was ten, young Alexander Fleming attended the nearby Loudon Moor School. He was then transferred to Dagvel School, which he attended with his brothers. Alexander learned a good deal about nature during that four-mile downhill hike to school and the four-mile uphill return trip. He was a quick student and at twelve, the age limit prescribed for Dagvel School, he was sent to Kilmarnock Academy. After two years he joined his brothers, John and Robert, at the home of his elder brother Thomas, who was to become a successful oculist in London. However, the economic success of the family was yet to be and Alexander was forced to leave school for economic reasons. When he was sixteen, he obtained a job in a shipping company. Good fortune, however, was on his side and on the side of humanity. In 1901, he received a share in a legacy which made it possible for him to return to school where he decided to study medicine.