The arrival of the train did not disturb Sir Mohan Lal’s sangfroid. He continued to sip his Scotch and ordered the bearer to tell him when he had moved the luggage to a first class compartment. Excitement, bustle and hurry were exhibitions of bad breeding, and Sir Mohan was eminently well-bred. He wanted everything ‘tickety-boo’ and orderly. In his five years abroad, Sir Mohan had acquired the manners and attitudes of the upper class. He rarely spoke Hindustani. When he did, it was like an Englishman’s, only the very necessary words and properly anglicized. But he fancied his English, finished and refined at no less a place than the University of Oxford, he was fond of conversation and like a cultured Englishman he could talk on almost any subject-books, politics or people. How frequently had he heard English people say that he spoke like an Englishman?