“As a farmer I was determined that we should get on the computer bandwagon”, says Krishnappa Jagannath, the 40-year old head of the Gram Panchayat who initiated the whole process three years ago. With tips from a computer, and his brother in the US, Jagannath drew up a plan and convinced others of its merit. Within no time, he was able to raise Rs. 65,000 from the public, enough for the purchase of two assembled Pentium II computers. That was easy enough, but who would operate these machines? Jagannath decided that it had to be the villagers themselves. He got in touch with a software company, which agreed to train the villagers. Although wary initially, the people knew it was worth a try. As they realized it was not so difficult, more and more villagers joined in. Those like T. S. Shobha who showed a greater aptitude were sent for extensive training.