I had the ______ experience of sitting next to an over-talkative passenger on my flight home from Brussels.
Galling (adj.) means irritating, annoying, or exasperating.
Shakespeare, a(n) ______ writer, entertained audiences by writing many tragic and comic plays.
Prolific (adj.) means abundantly creative.
Levina unknowingly ______ the thief by holding open the elevator doors and ensuring his escape.
To abet (v.) means to assist, encourage, urge, or aid, usually an act of wrongdoing
Being able to afford this luxury car will ______ getting a betterpaying job.
To necessitate (v.) means to make necessary, especially as a result.
The dress Ariel wore ______ with small, glassy beads, creating a shimmering effect.
To scintillate (v.) means to emit or send forth sparks or little flashes of light, creating a shimmering effect; to sparkle.
Candace would ______ her little sister into an argument by teasing her and calling her names.
To provoke (v.) is to incite anger or resentment; to call forth a feeling or action.
Steven is always ______ about showing up for work because he feels that tardiness is a sign of irresponsibility.
Punctual (adj.) means arriving exactly on time.
His neighbors found his ______ manner bossy and irritating, and they stopped inviting him to backyard barbeques.
Magisterial (adj.) means overbearing or offensively self-assured.
The movie offended many of the parents of its younger viewers by including unnecessary ______ in the dialogue.
Vulgarity (n.) means offensive speech or conduct.
She hadn’t eaten all day, and by the time she got home she was ______.
Ravenous (adj.) means extremely hungry