IELTS Writing Test Faqs
1] How many parts to the writing test are there?
There are two parts. Writing task 1 is a report or letter and writing task 2 is an essay.
2] How long is the IELTS writing test?
It takes a total of 1 hour. You should spend 20 minutes on writing task 1 and 40 minutes on writing task 2.
3] What is the difference between the General Training paper and the Academic Paper?
The general training paper is mainly for people who want to migrate to a foreign country. For this paper, students need to write a letter for task 1 and an essay for task 2.
The academic paper is mostly for people who want to enter college or university. Most people take this paper. For this paper, students need to write an academic report for task 1 (based on a bar chart or other types of graphs) and an essay for writing task 2.
The academic paper is mostly for people who want to enter college or university. Most people take this paper. For this paper, students need to write an academic report for task 1 (based on a bar chart or other types of graphs) and an essay for writing task 2.
4] Can I have extra paper for planning and making notes?
You should make notes and plan on the question paper before you start writing. You are not usually given extra paper for planning.
5] Should I do writing task 1 or writing task 2 first?
It is recommended that you spend the first 20 minutes writing task 1. However, if you choose to start with writing task 2, it is your choice. Do what works best for you.
6] Should I leave a space at the start of a paragraph?
No, it is not necessary to do that. It is better to leave one empty line between your paragraphs to help the examiner identify the paragraphs.