DIRECTIONS: These are Assertion-Reason type questions.Question contains two statements:Statement-1 (Assertion) and Statement-2 (Reason). Answer these questions from the following four options.
Statement-1 :Ice is less dense than liquid water.
Statement-2 :There are vacant spaces between hydrogen bonded water molecules in ice.
It is correct that during formation of ice from water there are vacant spaces between hydrogen bonded molecules of ice. Ice has a cage like structure. Due to this reason ice is less dense than liquid water. Hence both statement-1 and statement-2 are true and statement-2 is correct explanation of statement-1.
The bond angles HXH vary in the order : NH3 > PH3 AsH > SbH3. In the formation of \(XH_{4}^{+}\), the 3bond angle HXH increases to 109º 28'. Hence, maximum increase in the bond angle will be for SbH3.
The electronegativity difference between N and F is greater than that between N and H yet the dipole moment of NH3(1.5 D) is larger than that of NF3 (0.2D). This is because
In X — H — Y, X and Y both are electronegative elements
In X — H - - - Y, X and Y both are electronegative elements(i.e attracts the electron pair) then electron density on X and Y will increase and on H will decrease.
The relationship between the dissociation energy of N2 and \(N_{2}^{+}\)is :
Dissociation energy of any molecule depends upon its bond order. Bond order in N2 molecule is 3 while bond order in \(N_{2}^{+}\)is 2.5. Further we know that more the Bond order,more is the stability and more is the bond dissociation energy.
The hybridization of P is \(PO_{4}^{3-}\) is the same as of
Structure I has two resonance forms, which make the hydrogen bonding more stable. The II molecule has no such resonance stabilization.
The dipole moments of diatomic molecules AB and CD are 10.41D and 10.27 D, respectively while their bond distances are 2.82 and 2.67 Å, respectively. This indicates that
N2 and O2 are converted into monocations, \(N_{2}^{+}\) and \(O_{2}^{+}\) respectively. Which of the following statements is wrong ?
The cylindrical shape of an alkyne is due to the fact that it has
In alkynes the hybridisation is sp i.e, each carbon atom undergoes sp hybridisation of one sand one porbital to form two sp-hybrid orbitals. Out of which one overlaps to form C – C ? bond and other overlaps with half filled orbital of H forming ?-bond. The other two 2p-orbitals remain unhybridised and form two ?-bonds via sidewise overlaping.Hence two ? bond and one sigma bond between C — C lead to cylindrical shape.