The C – H bond length is minimum in the bond formed by
As the number of bonds between carbon atoms increases, electronegativity of that carbon also increases due to increasing active power of electrons.Also sp hybrid is more e–negetive than sp2 which is more electronegative than sp3(s character decreases)Hence, option (a) is correct.
(CH3)2C = CHCH3+ NOBr ⟶ product. The structure of the product is
The reaction follows Markownikoff rule, namely the bromide ion adds on to the carbon having the least number of hydrogen and the more positive part namely the – NO group adds to the other carbon of the double bond.
Identify the reagent from the following list which can easily distinguish between 1-butyne and 2-butyne
In 1-butyne terminal hydrogen is acidic where as in 2-butyne there is no terminal hydrogen.Thus 2-butyne will not react with ammonical Cu2Cl2. While 1-butyne,being terminal alkyne, will give red ppt. with ammonical cuprous chloride.
When acetylene passed through dil. H2SO4 in presence of HgSO4, the compound formed is
Ammonical silver nitrate forms a white precipitate easily with
Terminal alkyenes give a white precipitate easily on reaction with ammonical silver nitrate solution.
In the reaction CH3 = C– – Na+ + (CH3)2CH –
The product formed is :