When same amount of zinc is treated separately with excess of sulphuric acid and excess of sodium hydroxide solution the ratio of volumes of hydrogen evolved is
Zn + H2SO4 ⟶ ZnSO4 + H2
Zn + 2NaOH ⟶ Na2ZnO2 + H2
∴ Ratio of volumes of H2 evolved is 1 : 1
Which of the following chemicals is not present in clear hard water?
MgCO3 is insoluble in water.
Saline hydrides react explosively with water, such fires can be extinguished by
Fire due to action of water on saline hydrides cannot be extinguished with water or CO2. These hydrides can reduce CO2 at high temperature to produce O2.
D2O is preferred to H2O, as a moderator, in nuclear reactors because
H2O absorbs neutrons more than D2O and this decreases the number of neutrons for the fission process.
The H– ion can be formed in ordinary chemical reaction under proper conditions, but the H+ ion cannot. The best explanation for this difference is due to
Single e- of the H atom cannot be readily removed to form H-
Heavy water reacts respectively with CO2, SO3, P2O5 and N2O5 to give the compounds:
HCl is added to following oxides. Which one would give H2O2
MnO2 , PbO2 and BaO will not give H2O2 with HCl.MnO2 and PbO2 will give Cl2 and BaO will react with HCl to give BaCl2 and water.
Which pair does not show hydrogen isotopes ?
Ortho and para hydrogens are two forms of hydrogen(1H1 ) which differ only in the direction of spin of proton.
At its melting point ice is lighter than water because
In the structure of ice each molecule of H2O is surrounded by three H2O molecules in hexagonal honeycomb manner which results an open cage like structure.As a result there are a number of 'hole' or open spaces.In such a structure lesser number of molecules are packed per ml. When ice melts a large no.of hydrogen bonds are broken.The molecules therefore move into the holes or open spaces and come closer to each other than they were in solid state. This result sharp increase in the density. Therefore ice has lower density than water.