Baking soda is :
NaHCO3(baking soda) is one of the major constituents of baking powder.
A well known reagent which contains copper sulphate,sodium potassium tartarate and sodium hydroxide is
Fehling’s solution is a mixture of Alk. CuSO4 + Na – K tartarate (Rochelle salt)
What happens when carbonates of group IA elements are heated?
Carbonates of group IA are fairly stable and will melt before they eventually decompose into oxides at temperature above 1000°C. Li2CO3 is considerably less stable than other carbonates of group 1A and on decomposition by heating, it gives CO2.
Li2CO3→Li2O + CO2
So, option (d) is more probable.
A mixture of KCl and KF is added to sodium chloride
Molecular formula of Glauber’s salt is :
Glauber’s salt is Na2SO4.10 H2O.
Mg on heating to redness in an atmosphere of N2 and thenon treating with H2O gives:
Magnesium on heating to redness in an atmosphere of N2 gives magnesium nitride.
3Mg + N2\(\overset{\Delta }{\rightarrow}\)Mg3N2
Then magnesium nitride is rapidly hydrolysed by water to give magnesium hydroxide and ammonia.
Mg3N2+ 6H2O→3Mg(OH)2 + 2NH3
Aqueous solution of sodium carbonate absorbs NO and NO2 to give
Which of the following is known as fusion mixture ?
Mixture of K2CO3 and Na2CO23 is called fusion mixture
Washing soda has formula
Washing soda is Na2CO23. 10 H2O.
The first(IE1) and second (IE2) ionisation energies (kJ/mol)of a few elements designated by Roman numerals are given below. Which of these would be an alkali metal?
As outermost electronic configuration of alkali metals is ns1 and also their size are largest in their respective periods so their 1st I.E will be lowest among the given options. As second electron is to be removed from complete shell or noble gas core, so the IInd I.E. must be highest among the given options. So, option (b) is correct choice.